You know. I always end up asking myself the same thing at the end of every weekend. "Where dafuq did my weekend go? o_o." Like honestly. I don't do much on the weekends, yet they still fly by really quickly. It doesn't add up. ;_;. Right now, I'm like, "Weekend, please come back. ._."
Sometimes, I wish weekends were longer, but at the same time, I don't want them to be longer. Because when weekends are too long, I get bored. But when weekends are too short, I feel as if they pass by too quickly. Gahhh. I just can't win. ;_;. Let me know about your weekend-length preferences by commenting in the Comments section below! :D.
(↑ I swear. Sometimes, it feels like the weekends just love to hop onto those fancy smancy jets and fly away just to troll me. :c.).

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