(Lol. The original title was "Procrastination Effects", but "The Effects of Procrastination" sounded fancier. So, I went with that. c:.). 
What is procrastination? Well, it can have many meanings and its definition can vary from person to person. It really depends on who you are. But for the most part, procrastination is putting off something and doing it at the last minute. Lool. It can have many irritating effects. And it really is addicting, unfortunately. You're like: "Why do it now? I always have tomorrow." And then you keep saying that until the assignment is due the next day. And then you have to pull an all niter to finish it. It's kind of hard to fix once you start. o_o. Unfortunately, I can say that  from experience. :x. Although, I'm getting better at managing my time and finishing my homework in a timely manner. :D. Yayy. 
Personally, I believe your perspective on things completely flip upside down when you're procrastinating. o_o. (It's easier to understand if you've experienced this before.). Suddenly, everything becomes fun during the process of procrastination. You start to discover things that you don't normally discover. Time starts to tick faster. When you finish procrastinating, everything becomes boring. o_o. Personally, I think this is because of a change in perspective when a person procrastinates. 
Time seems to pass by faster during procrastination. It's like time wants to screw you over. o_o. This seems to be a part of perspective, but I wanted it to have its own sub-heading. (Is that so bad?! D:.). It's just strange how that works. :x. 

For the most part, when I'm procrastinating, I regret doing so. I question why I didn't do it before. And I make myself promise that I will never procrastinate ever again, but that never works. Lool. I always end up procrastinating again and again. e_e. Even now... GG. 

The amount of sleep you get really depends on how much work you had to procrastinate on. For the most part, if you procrastinate, don't expect a good night's rest. :p. 

Like I said before, procrastinating is addicting and hard to stop. And once you've been doing it for a while, it gets harder and harder and harder to go back to your normal routine because all the work piles up. And until you fix it, you keep on repeating the procrastination process... Over and over and over... For all of eternity... .__.

Moral of the story? If you haven't been procrastinating, then don't start and never do it. Lool. Like seriously. :P.

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