Guess what tomorrow is!!! It's New Years. And it's also this website's 2nd anniversary! (I apologize, again, for not celebrating the first anniversary.). That means this website is 2 years old, as of tomorrow! They grow up so fast. *tear.*. Lololol. If you want to read of this website's history of 2011, you may read the post titled "2011 in Review. iamboredish Edition." below. However, this post's main purpose is to say that tomorrow, January 1st of 2012, is this website's 2nd anniversary! What does that mean? That means that this website is 2 years old, as of tomorrow! And that means, that there's going to be a partay!  The location of the partay, is going to be here on this blog, and on the chat box page! Lol. It's going to be an online partay. What we need? We need pictures of food, pictures of stick figures, BFFs, coding, and lots of imagination! It'll make a great partay! (Hopefully, that is. Lolol.). Spread the word!
Visit! It's a great blog with funny posts! You won't regret visiting it! it's Berry Sweet's blog. You might have noticed me mentioning her in a few posts, and she's one of my BFFs!

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