Sigh. Don't you just strongly dislike it when everything is going well and suddenly everything just plummets and becomes horrible? That pretty much describes my week. Well, this week has also been a terrible week. How not surprising... Things haven't been going well at all. Everything had one way or another of screwing up. (Even the most basic things.). This week actually started off pretty well. It was pretty nice. Everything was going well and smoothly. 
I was kind of happy. It was a kind of ecstasy. Or at least, close enough to it. However, I totally screwed up. And I really wish that I could turn time around and change my actions. But I can't, so now I'm full of regret. Sigh. (So, I created this picture. Lol.). Sometimes, an apology doesn't fix everything sadly. No matter what happens, everything changes completely. (Even when the person says "It's okay" or something when it's really not okay.). And the only way to revert it is to like change the past or something. Although, I tell myself to stay optimistic. Like "when one window closes, another opens." Depression seems to be more powerful. So I don't know. I just wish that it all didn't happen. (Or maybe I'm overthinking this. o_o. Sadly, probably not. Sigh.). It's sad when a person you once knew well becomes a total stranger. :/.
Besides my social life, my academic life isn't going so well. Science class hasn't been the most fun class. It really sucks when you have to suffer consequences for some problem that some person from another class created. (I'll explain in a future post.). Homework assignments are pain as usual. And I've been receiving more and more projects. Some of which are due pretty soon... I don't mind if teachers assign projects, but they should at least tone down the amount of homework/ tests/ quizzes/ whatnot they're giving. I honestly haven't been able to complete half a project before a teacher assigns a new one... Smh. (Sorry. Just a little rant.). And it all piles up. :/. I feel all stressed out and stuff. Ugh. It's a terrible feeling. It also is a terrible feeling to have when you've taken a test and you know that you didn't do well. :/. It's a pain.
In addition, I haven't been at 100% due to those problems. I can't think as fast. I can't remember things as well as before. (Even my music skills have deteriorated. Smh. As if they weren't bad enough already.). The thing that ticks me off the most is how slow I work now. I don't know. I can't tell if it's because of how my week was or like whatever. Like my peers can finish their work 203847092387 times faster than I'm able to, currently. I blame all these bad events.
Sigh. I just want everything to work out and like become good/ decent again. Is that too much to ask for? I hope tomorrow'll be a better day. But I doubt it. And I want a cookie. ._.
Random thought: The Microsoft Surface tablet looks really cool. o_o. I wonder what the pricing is going to be like. It's going to be released in like a month and 6 days or so. Loooool. 
Edit on 9/22/12: Well, Friday wasn't any better. In short: My ring finger got jammed. (Unfortunately, I type really slowly now, So, I don't think I will be doing heavy blogging this weekend. I apologize. And I had a lot of good ideas for blog posts as well. Sighhh. i also apologize for any typos I make on blog posts.) I got slightly "rope-burned." I found out that I probably failed my reading test. And I have a bunch of homework to do. I guess it was pretty silly of me to think that Friday was going to be a good day for me. Sigh. I hope you guys and qurls had a better week than me.
(You know, I don't know whether it's "Kateikyoushi" or "Katekyo." o_o. Lol. I first found it as "Kateikyoushi", so I'm going to be using it as that. Just saying. Looool.). 
My first thoughts after reading this chapter: Dayum... Nice chapter and Reborn's a boss. :o. Loooool.
Warning: Many spoilers are going to be said. Just saying. Lol. 
This chapter was pretty awesome. Despite Bermuda's looks, he's very strong. He's kind of overpowered. o_o. The ability to short warp an infinite amount of times.... .__. Yet, Reborn was able to counter it. :D. For a short while, at least. Loool. That was pretty damn awesome. 
I like how Reborn always has a plan for everything. Loool. And the plans always seem to work. :o. It's amazing. Loool. #TeamReborn. :D.
And it's always nice how he's all composed and stuff. :D. Calmness, ftw. Lol. And it was interesting how Tsuna FINALLY figured out that the guy in the suit was Reborn. Looool.
Apparently, Reborn had a special bullet to shoot at Tsuna. :o. Well, it was the Dying Will Bullet. 
And it makes me wonder... Since, Tsuna is already in Hyper Dying Will Mode... 
Hyper Dying Will Mode + Dying Will Bullet = ? 
I'm really pumped up for next week's chapter. Loool. A lot of events happened in this chapter. I really like Reborn's fighting style. He's awesome. :D. Loool. I wish next week's chapter will come like in 5 seconds or something. Because I don't think I'll be able to survive the whole week. ;_;. Due to the fact that I have like 124870192874 homework assignments and 102847091827409714 projects. And like 1208470192847 quizzes/ tests to study for... Sigh. .__. 
(Dayum. That's one long post title. o_o.). Woohoo. Happy one week anniversary for our Facebook page. :D. The page was created one week ago. Yayy. Lool. 6 likes so far. :o. Getting likes is pretty hard. Lol. At least, harder than I thought. :c. Please like/ share the page. :o. One like/ share can go a long way. Thanks for your continuous support.~
Click the "like" button below? ;D.
Happy Constitution Day of 2012. :D. Woohoo. Today marks the 225th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States of America. :D. Looool. *celebrates.*. Go pieces of important paper. Loool. Woohoo. Anyways, let's list some facts about it. :D. Since you never know when you'll need them. Loooool. 
• The Constitution of the United States of America was signed on September 17th, 1787. 
• The law establishing this holiday was created in 2004. 
• This holiday was previously known as "Citizenship Day." 
(I might list some more facts later. Loooool.). 
And here's the famous Preamble to the Constitution of the United States: 
" We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." 
Woohoo. Have fun on Constitution Day. :D. 
Haii everyone. :D. This post is basically about what the title says. Looool. Yay for relevant titles? :p. Anyways, there has been a slight homepage change here at Loooool. Well, there has been a few changes, but I just wanted to announce all of them in one post. Lool. Makes things easier. Lolyay. Anyways, there is now a Facebook page widget at the middle left of the homepage. And there's a few widget/ thingies on the middle right of the homepage. They're all links to things that iamboredish is also on. (NeoLeaf is my secondary blog, but I don't really use it anymore.). So yeah. Looool. Just announcing that. 
And the Meebo Bar is looking quite impressive right now. Lolyay. It looks like a real professional bar or something. Looooool. To me, at least. I hope you guys and qurls like it. :p. Sadly, I can't figure out why the glitter effect thing isn't working. :/. Still working on that. Anyways, have a nice day/ night.~
I'm pretty sure that everyone can relate to this. And that's not even an exaggeration. Looooool. (I apologize if the title for this post was misleading. The meaning: The writing topics are trolling me. Not: I'm trolling the writing topics. Loooool. It would be better if I trolled the writing topics though. :p.).
Ohkay. So like here goes. How many of you have written essays before? (Probably very many of you.). Sometimes, the topic is good and sometimes the topic is bad, right? (Well, by "bad", I mean like it doesn't relate to you so you can't really write about it or something like that. Loool.). For me, a pattern seems to always reoccur. Looool. Basically:
Scenario - The teacher gives out a good topic. 
Ohkay. So like when the teacher gives out a good topic, I have a lot of ideas to write about it. However, it usually happens to be a timed quick write or something. e_e. And that just ruins it. alksjdf;lkjas;ldkjf. For example, last Friday my teacher told us to write about our day. And that was a good topic, because my day started at 12:00 a.m. and it was eventful. I had a lot to write about it. I could have written a 120487102948 page essay or something. Like seriously. However, we were only given 8 minutes to write and we had to turn in whatever we finished. -______-. Sigh. 
Scenario 2 - The teacher gives out a "bad" topic. 
Now, when the teacher gives out a "bad" topic, we have to write a 1028470192748 page essay about it. With each paragraph containing at the very least 1028470918274 sentences. And with each sentence containing at least 30870974 words. (Lolexaggerations.). Like wtf. It's very hard to write about something that you don't relate to. Add in writer's block. And you're perfectly screwed. Lol. (Well, maybe.). 
I really dislike it when the writing topics troll. e_e. Bad writing topics. :c. Well, time to go back to writing the 2nd draft of my essay. Loooool. 
Edit on 9/17/12: LOOL. I was given a slightly bad writing topic today. :c. And I had 20 minutes to write about it. Apparently, I was supposed to write "20 minutes worth of writing." As;kdlfj;alksdjf. Lol. It was kind of strange. It would've been better if I was given 20 minutes to write about my day. :p. Lool. (Today wasn't really eventful, but sometimes you just want to write about your day. Aha.).
Ohkay. So like many of you may have noticed that I have been making posts at completely random times now. o_o. (Well, I've always done that, but it changed a bit. Lol.). Well, when I didn't have school, I would try my best to make at least one post per day or like post whenever I had a good idea. However, now that I have school, I'm unable to do that. (Sometimes, I come up with good ideas at school. Looool.). And my schedule's like packed with homework and whatnot. (I'm doing homework as I make this post. Lool.). So, I apologize for my irregular posting schedule. But I'll try my best to post as much as possible. c:. 
(Random edit: I've noticed that my posts have been getting more and more Facebook likes. o_o. Omgeee. Yayyy. Thanks for all the support guys and girls. ♥. I really appreciate it. c:. If you don't mind: Please like the website's Facebook page: Thanks for your continuous support! :D.).
(Not sure if this is the best title for the post. But yeah. Looool.). 
Ohkay. Most of the time, waiting in line for something is a pain. Loool. And I always wonder why people take so long to do whatever they're doing. Like checking out at a register or like take the flu shot . Because whenever I do those things, it takes like 5 seconds. (Lolexaggerations.). Like honestly. Looool. And I always wonder how the hell people take so long to do whatever they're supposed to be doing. o_o. Maybe it's the thought of waiting in a waiting line that makes me think that things are passing by slowly or something. (Lolslowmotions.). o_o. Or maybe it's something else. Or maybe it's just me. Hm. Comment in the Comments section below to let me know if you've ever experienced this before. :o. Looool. 
Today is September 11th, a day that caused grief for many. A day that is remembered as a tragedy. Let's indulge ourselves with a little bit of history: 
11 years ago, terrorists from al-Queda attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. 4 airplanes were hijacked by terrorists. However, in one plane, brave passengers stood up to the hijackers and made the plane crash into an open field. Sadly, one plane crashed into the North Tower of the WTC. And another crashed into the South Tower of the WTC. And one crashed into the Pentagon. The North Tower and South Tower collapsed shortly after the attack. Nearly 3,000 were killed in the attack. 
This was a devastating attack. Let's take a moment of silence to remember all of those who had died. *salutes those who have died.*. R.I.P.
EHMAHGAWSIES. WE'VE REACHED ANOTHER MILESTONE. :D. This site has an official Facebook page now. :D. Omgeeeeeeee. Yayy. :D. I've always wanted to make one for this website. Yayy. Looool. (It'll be tough operating both the website, Google+ page, and Facebook page. .__. Maybe I can get some friends to help. :D. That's the good thing about Facebook. You can have admins. :p. You can also have managers on Google+ too. :D. Although, one thing at a time. Loool.). Well, the link for the official website's Facebook page is: Looooooool. Support the page by liking it and sharing it. :D. Thanks for everything.~
(It doesn't hurt to click the "Like" button below right? ;).).
Edit on 9/15/12: Woohoo. The Facebook page finally has a cover photo. :D. (I'll make a better one later on though. :p.). Here it is!