Who here likes book reports? *raises hand.*. Meee. :D. Loljkjk. Not me. I have never really liked book reports. To be honest, I even kind of dislike them. o_o. For a few reasons, actually. 
For me, I usually just like to read books that I like. (Otherwise, I just usually read online articles, newspaper articles, blog posts, statuses, manga, and etc. Looool.). Because I can actually enjoy them. But sometimes, book reports force you to read something that you don't like. And that's just not good. A;sldkjf. It's really hard for me to read a book that I don't have interest in. It also makes me take a lot longer than usual. You're also pressed for time.  (Like there's a specific due date.). A limited amount of time + Boring book + Having to write about it = Not much fun.
When I'm doing a book report, I always have to really pay attention to all the minor details and take notes while reading the book. It's such a pain. (I'm currently doing a book report on a really really boring mystery book... Yeah... Not the most fun thing to do. e_e.). It's always harder to remember things that you don't have interest in. So, that makes writing a book report on a book I dislike a really big pain... Smh.
All those things listed above kill the fun in reading a book. ;_;. And usually, I like to take my time to read and ENJOY a book. .__. Comment below to tell me your thoughts about book reports! 

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