This post is going to be about "Catching Mistakes." And no, not like: Congratulations! You caught a Mistake in a Pokeball! Loool. I'm talking about mistakes you find on essays or so. Basically, mistakes you find on works of literature. Looool. (Does that sound right? o_o.). The mistakes sometimes troll me. Loool. I think that you've probably experienced this before if you've written many essays. :p.
Okay. So like, let's say I'm writing an essay. Right before I print it out, I make sure that there are no mistakes. And everything looks nice. However, right after I print it out, mistakes magically "appear: on the paper. :c. (Or something like that. Loool.). What I'm trying to say that, sometimes, it's easier to find mistakes when the paper is printed out or so. o_o. Depends. I guess. Loool. But I don't like it when the mistakes troll me. It causes me to waste ink and valuable time. :c. 
Comment in the Comments section below to tell me your experiences with trolling mistakes! :D.

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