Happy Mother's Day! <3. This post is dedicated to all the moms out there. I'm grateful to have a wonderful mother, and I think we should always appreciate our mothers every day. Take this day as a chance to spread your love! Hope everyone had a nice day.~
Happy Teacher Appreciation Day! Here's to all the teachers in the world who have dedicated their time in making positive impacts in our lives. Thank you! 
Honestly, I would not be the person that I am today if it weren't for all of my teachers' hard work. I really am grateful to have met such great teachers in my life. Our teachers sacrifice so much for us. We should always remember that fact and cherish them. So, the next time you see your beloved teachers, don't be afraid to say thank you! Spread the love. <3.
*awkward transition.*. 
Dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets make me happy. :3. I'm like imagining little chickies in dino-suits right now. Haha. That'd be so cute. ;D.
Been a while since I've had one of these posts. :p. Happy last day of April 2014. :). 
I guess I'll just talk about my life now. Loool. So like, I was able to ride my pet dinosaur and we went on adventures at random places in the whole wide worldddd. :D. And now, I'm back. :3. 
You know, I find it quite funny when immature people start to "rage" for no good reason. Take League of Legends, a simple video game, for example. Just 10 minutes ago, I played with a person who was quite kind in the beginning of the game. He was like, "No problemrino. I got'chu." And then after a while curse words just came out of his "mouth."
 People make such big things out of nothing sometimes. Luckily, in that game, there's a mute button. :). I only wish that the game would notify the players that they were muted by someone. It'd be hilarious if everyone muted a toxic player and (s)he just started cursing to himself/herself. Haha. I strongly believe in: What goes around comes around. So, I hope the toxic players get what they deserve. :). 
Despite all the negativity, I strive to keep a positive, learning attitude in whatever I do, be it school, games, or whatever. And because of that, I've simply learned a lot more recently. I'm able to analyze my mistakes, and prevent myself from making the same ones in the future. This definitely makes me happy!
Unfortunately, allergies don't make me happy. :(. I've been affected with allergies to whatever for some reason. I've never been allergic to anything before, so this is quite new... and irritating. >_>. I think it's the massive weather changes or something. :/. It was like freezing cold one day and then scorching hot today. Like wtf. Weather pls. 
I was thinking about getting a desktop computer later on down the road since I was getting into video editing/ recording stuffies. Any desktop computers you recommend? (Preferably around the $500 range.). Any thoughts on AMD vs Intel? I've been reading up and it seems like AMD is just underrated because it doesn't advertise as much. :o. I wonder if AMD is secretly just better than Intel (for some aspects.). :o. 
Anyways, let's all enjoy the last day of April. :). See you in May.~
Personally, I'm always constantly looking for ways to improve who I am, as a person, and all my abilities. So, I came up with an idea of slowly improving myself, with a way to see progress! I started: One Goal Per Day/ Goal of the Day (GOTD for short.). What it essentially is: 
I name a goal in the morning and then work towards it throughout the day. I also publish my goals on my Twitter
For example, yesterday, when I launched this campaign, I put a goal of making a Top 3 Plays YouTube video. And I accomplished it! It was a milestone in my YouTubing career as well. :). 
Today, my original goal was to record a League of Legends video with full game commentary, but unfortunately, my right eye is very irritated due to the extreme weather shifts, and I'm unable to commentate and play as well as I want to. 
Trying to hold to my word, I decided to change my goal into a different one. This idea came to me when I played a Ranked Game. Usually, many people are just completely toxic, and just bad in this queue. In order for them to not affect my mentality and playstyle, I decided to place the goal of: Have a learning attitude despite the negativity around me.
As of today, I won a game and lost a game. But in both experiences, I had fun and learned a lot. It actually was fun (for once) to lose. (You're probably thinking that I'm crazy now.). Why? Simply because I learned a lot about team compositions, the importance of closing out games, and how to make epic comebacks. Besides, my team deserved to lose, so  I don't mind the more deserving team to win. 
Overall, I did accomplish my goal! So, that's 2 for 2. :). I'll be continuing to make goals to improve my lifestyle every day because that's just who I am.~
Made my first Top 3 Plays for League of Legends today. :D. Turned out better than I thought!
Reddit thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/248yjd/league_of_legends_top_3_plays/ 
(Random thought: I think Weebly just changed its favicon to a blue W. o_o. Not sure why...). 
Today, I've hit major milestones in my YouTubing career! I finally uploaded my first League of Legends video with full game commentary. :). I got everything to work out right, and I'm pretty content right now. Haha. Of course,t here are major improvements to be made, but enjoy! :).
Not only that, but I also made my first lyric video too. :D. This was definitely a grand experience cause I was able to learn about the process of creating a lyric video. I respect lyric video makers so much more now. It took me over 3 hours. Haha. But it was worth it! 
Don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe! <3.
Happy Earth Day of 2014. :D.
hello everyone! :DDD. As you can see, I'm ecstatic right now! And that's because I have a 1000 day break from school. :D. Loljkjk. (I wish. Lemme become a pro-gamer pls.). In my previous blog post, I explained how Fraps had failed me and wasted an hour of my weekend. (Never using Fraps ever again, most likely.). Today, things had taken a better turn towards a brighter future! 
I had asked this YouTuber what his recording program was, and he told me about Open Broadcasting Software. It took a while to set but it was all worth it. For the first time in my life, I was actually streaming on Twitch.tv and recording my first video. I was only testing my settings, so the video was kind of awkward. I wasn't really sure what I was doing and what was working. Haha. When I got to look back at it, I was so happy that everything was finally working (including my mic, which refused to work yesterday.)!!! :D. So, this really set me in a good mood. :). 
Look forward to full gameplay videos SOON! Feel free to like, comment, share, and subscribe. <3. 
Thanks for all of your support! 
Link to my Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/glowybubbles
Link to my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC03xPbi9HfZblaEhw9fFIxQ
hello everyone. :D. So, recently, I've had thoughts about creating videos of gameplay of League of Legends, a game that I enjoy playing very much. I was browsing through recording programs, and I had bumped into "Fraps", a very popular one. Unfortunately, I did not know that the free trial version only allowed me to record 10 seconds of footage per clip. Due to that, I had wasted almost an hour in making my first video, only to learn that it was not recorded... This made me pretty angry cause I was excited to start my journey in creating YouTube videos. :/. 
Unfortunately, I won't be able to restart my first introduction video this week because I'll probably be very busy with school work, but I'll try my best. Fortunately, I think that I'll probably get my first video out very soon (week or 2). So, look forward to a new series! :D.  And if anyone can recommend me a free recording program, I'll appreciate it very much! Thanks.
Happy Easter, everyone!
This post is probably gonna be an entire rant post cause I'm just feeling a ton of emotions pouring out of me right now. 
Recently, my wireless mouse just started not functioning correctly. It started double clicking and being unresponsive. We're in the year 2014, where it was expected to have flying cars and robots. But we're still stuck in the year in which mice still double click when not supposed to. Sigh. 
You know, the word "explain" means to describe a thing, not freaking write an encyclopedia article for it. I'm so tired of teacher's definitions of "explain". It's ridiculous. It just isn't possible to include all the details of a certain subject. It's ridiculous to dock off 100 points for not writing as detailed as a scientist with a PhD. 
Sometimes, the education system just bugs me so much. Why do we have to stress out about writing essays under 20 minutes so much? Are our future bosses going to ask us to write essays like that? Like, imagine: "DROP AND WRITE ME AN ESSAY. OBTW, YOUR DEADLINE IS IN 20 MINUTES." It's ridiculous. I'd rather learn more real life skills, such as cooking, sewing, doing handywork around the house, and repairing minor problems for cars/ computers. The more I think about this, the more angry I get.