Happy 2nd Anniversary for this website! And also happy New Year's! 新年快樂。Happy birthday, website! I can't believe it has been two years since I've created this website. :o. Time does fly by fast. Haha. I have two main points to say in this post. Lolol. I'm going to try to make this post as long as possible. Lololol. Just saying. Anyways, the first point is to say "happy birthday" to the website, which I did above. . Enjoy these following GIFs. Lololol. (To make the post longer. Lolol. I guess.).
Sorry, got a little sidetracked. Anyways. The second point is to tell you guys and girls who actually visit my website that there's going to be a 2nd anniversary partay. Ooooo. A partay. An online partay, that is. Where is it going to be? It's going to be hosted, by yours truly, me. Lololol. And it's going to happen in this blog page and the chat box page. It's going to start at 5:01 p.m. PST time zone and end at about 6:02 PST time zone. Just saying. Lololol. Be here and have fun!
What we need: Pictures of food. Pictures of stick figures. Pictures of water. BFFs. Loyal fans of this website and my blog, NeoLeaf. And we need imagination. Lots of imagination.
That is all. Dismissed.~

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