Happy first day of May 2013! :D. (Also, happy Golden Week for the people in Japan! :D.). Asd;flkja;slkdjf;laksjd;flkja;sldkjf. *paniks.*. .___. *hyperventilates.* Time is just passing by too quicklyyyyyyyyyyyy. D:. I swear, one day, it's going to be the first day of May. The next day, it's going to be the last day of May. ;_;. Time needs to clam down and slow down, in my opinion. .____. 
Well, anyways, now that it's May. The weather is going to be accacablahblahing hot, even though it technically won't be summer until June 21st. -____-. In fact, it's going to be like 98 degrees this Friday in my area. (I'mma die from the heat. ;_;.). This is a reason why I don't miss summer. My favorite season is winter because I like the cold. It's very irritating when you just take a step outside and then you start to sweat, just because it's THAT hot outside. e_e.
Do you have any expectations for the new month? :o. Feel free to tell me about them by commenting in the Comments section below! :).
Let's all have a great month of May, regardless of the terrible weater! :D.
(↑ I know, the picture's dates don't match up with the current dates. I just liked the picture. c:.). 

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