Happy Thanksgiving of 2012. :D. Yayyyyy. Okay. Let's start off with what Thanksgiving is. :o. The importance of Thanksgiving doesn't lie in the fact that we have a holiday off from school/ work, super sales at stores, nor having a big feast on this day. (Although, all of them are pretty darn awesome. Loool. c:.). Thanksgiving is a day where you show your appreciation. No matter where you are in the world, this is an important thing to do. We take a lot of things for granted. But at least, for one day, show your appreciation and gratitude for what you have! :D. Instead of throwing a tantrum because you don't have the newest iPhone or whatever, be grateful for what you do have. :o. If you're reading this post, you have access to the Internet, a thing that many people don't have. Lol. Anyways, I'll list some things that I'm grateful for: 
• the gift of life.
• awesome family members.
• awesome friends.
• a working computer.
• Internet access. 
• a home to live in.
• food. (Looooooooooooooooooooooool.).
• YOU! :D. Thank you for viewing my posts! (It doesn't matter whether you're a new viewer or a loyal one. :p.).
And the list keeps going on, but you get the point. :p. I'm thankful for all of the things mentioned above. :). What are things that you are grateful to have? :o. Feel free to let me know by commenting in the Comments section below! 
Thanksgiving dinner is the best. :p. (↓ Picture of a Thanksgiving feast. :D. Yay for pictures of food. c:.). I don't usually eat turkey, but on some years, I do. Lool.
Anyways, have a nice Thanksgiving! :D.
Side story: Gah. So like, I planned on finishing the bulk of my homework today. But guess what? I finished virtually nothing. T_T. Happy day before Black Friday, btw. :). 

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