Happy White Day of 2013. :D. What exactly is "White Day?" :o. It's a holiday. However, it isn't a worldwide holiday, unfortunately. D:.  It's mostly celebrated in Japan, South Korea, China, and Taiwan. :o. For Valentine's Day, most of the time, qurls give guys chocolate as expressions of love/ confessions/ signs of appreciation/ etc. (In those countries, that is.). White Day is the day where guys return the favor by giving qurls gifts, which are usually white-themed. (Like white chocolate and whatnot. :p.). In some cultures, Valentine's Day is the day where qurls confess to guys. And White Day is the day where guys give the answer to the qurls' confessions. :o. 
Personally, I believe this holiday is quite interesting. :p. I really love the Japanese culture. c:. I found out about White Day by watching anime. LOL. Researching about certain holidays and learning the histories about them is really interesting. :). Feel free to tell me your thoughts about this holiday by commenting in the Comments section below! :D. 

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