(Sorry guys. This post is going to be a rant. Although, many of you can probably relate to this.).
Ugh. I get very annoyed when an inadequate amount of time is given to finish a certain task. e_e. Especially when it's group work. -_-. Every task requires a minimum amount of time to finish, right? I don't understand why some teachers/ people don't provide that amount of time. By "providing", I mean like giving class time or making a reasonable due date. It really irritates me when I'm not given enough time to finish an assignment. It makes me feel like I'm supposed to rush everything. And being pressed for time isn't a good feeling. I feel all stressed out and everything. (Like how I"m feeling right now.). Ugh. e_e. 
Also, group work takes time. Is that so hard to understand? It takes time to plan and more time to collaborate and work together. (Couple reasons why I don't like group work.). Having piling obligations doesn't help either. It just makes everything worse.
Some teachers don't provide enough time to do things because they want to cover more things in a certain amount of time. However, rushing lessons doesn't really help students. Seriously. What's the point of covering the entire book if no one learns a single thing? (I know self-studying comes into play. But still.). I'd rather know a small amount of things than know nothing at all. 
Sigh. I hope you guys had a better week than me.  
This weekend is going to be hell. And next week isn't going to be that great either. I apologize in advance if I don't blog often in these upcoming weeks. 

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