(Warning: This post is sort of like a rant. Loool.). 
You know. I don't understand why some people have to be so judgmental. It really gets on my nerves, depending on the situation, that is. I can take a joke or two, but there are times where a "joke" gets too far. Okay. So, today I had to present my project. (I was showing the class how to make a lava lamp.). And so, I had a plastic bag containing all of my materials. It was a 99¢ Store bag. And so, some people made some snide remarks about that. 
It was really idiotic. I was just reusing a random plastic bag. (Because reusing stuffies is good. :D.). And I get criticized for it. GG. Anyways, afterwards, I was just talking to one of my friends. And then another friend gave a smirk and scoff and made a rude comment about me being cheap since I went to the 99¢ Store to buy one of my materials. That really pissed me off. 
Honestly, why should a person be criticized for going to the 99¢ Store? e_e. It's just so ridiculous, honestly. I went to the 99¢ Store to buy a material because it had what I needed (for a reasonable price, as well), not because I'm cheap. What's wrong with buying stuff from that store, anyways? Sure, the items may not be of very high quality. But the items there are cheap and they work (for the most part.). And that's good enough.
We all have our own opinions about people, whether good or bad opinions. That's fine. But people who don't have anything nice to say should just keep their thoughts to themselves. 
(↑ Picture not related to the post. I just saw this picture and it made me smile. :p.).
12/11/2012 12:49:12 pm

It's not idiotic nor cheap to get something from a 99 cent store. What's idiotic is paying a more expensive price for the same item.

Just my opinion there.

12/11/2012 12:49:35 pm

I just noticed that there isn't a cent sign on my keyboard LOL.

12/11/2012 12:59:02 pm

Woohoo! *agrees with your opinion.*. :D.

LOL. Me too. I had to use an alt code. Like first, I was looking all over the keyboard for the cent sign. And then I couldn't find it... I was like, "MY WHOLE LIFE WAS A LIE." (Wasn't there a cent sign before on older keyboards? o_o.). Unless, I was just imagining that there was a cent sign on older keyboards. :p.


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