(Holy potatoes. It's been like 203874029387409287340987234098723047 centuries since that last time I made a blog post. .__. Sorry 'bout that guys and qurls. :c. I've been busy with studying for exams and everything. e_e. Blame the school system. ;_;. And like I felt bad about not posting, so here's a post. c:.).
The post title sort of matches the post. I couldn't come up with a better one, so bleh. :c. Here goes.
These days, you can see hashtags everywhere. Like seriously. You can see them on Facebook posts, blog posts, post-it notes, IMs, emails, messages, and etc. If you haven't seen them in a blog post before, then #, now you have. LOL. c:. They're even on top of the number three button on your keyboard! Gasp! :O. They're taking over the world. ;_;. Loljkays. :p. Anyways, back to the point. Hashtags have gradually gotten more and more popular. And sometimes, the "incorrect" use of them kind of bugs me. (I'll explain what I mean by "incorrect."). 
Personally, I believe that hashtags should stay on sites that support them. Like Twitter and sites like that. However, I don't really mind if people use one or two hashtags in their Facebook statuses or stuffies when they're trying to describe things or something. However, what really bugs me is when people spam unnecessary amounts of hashtags just for no good reason. They're like: 
Okay. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. Scratch that. Actually, I'm not exaggerating at all. o_o. I actually know some people who do that very often. Personally, it kind of annoys me when they do that. They're like abusing and misusing hashtags. :c. (Hashtag abuse. D:. Save the hashtags. :c. #SavetheHashtags. Looool.). Like is it really necessary to spam that huge amount of hashtags? e_e. I don't mind when people use hashtags once in a while because it's suitable. Because even I do that. But spamming hashtags is just irritating. 
Typically, I only use hashtags on sites that support the use of them. I also use them when I'm joking around with friends sometimes or so. :p. So, if you're like me and you don't like people who abuse hashtags, don't worry. You probably won't see me abusing them in blog posts. :). 
4/18/2013 09:57:53 am

Actually, I think you're inaggerating :P
I see posts on my Facebook newsfeed
#hot #chocolate #made #it #today #yummy #cousin #time #cuckoo #for #cocoa #puffs #and #these #hashtags #are #driving #everyone #crazy #why #don't #you #just #type #a #sentence #instead #of #using #hashtags


4/18/2013 09:58:11 am

sorry for hurting your eyes

4/18/2013 09:58:43 am


4/18/2013 10:02:49 am

Mhm. Hashtags should belong in certain sites only. :p.


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