Gah. The Thanksgiving weekend is almost over. ;_;. (Although, it is over for some people. :c. Different time zones. Loool.). You know. I really didn't do much over the weekend. I said I was going to do the bulk of my homework, but I ended up not doing it. (Like usual. ;_;.). Now, I'm regretting it. Bleh. I wish I had a time machine or something. It's always like this when it comes to procrastination, sadly. Sighhh. I'm not looking forward to school tomorrow. :c. I really wish that there were more hours in a day. There just isn't enough time to do everything. ;_;. Like, if I want to complete everything, then I wouldn't get enough sleep. If I want to sleep, then it would prevent me from finishing everything. If sleep is so important, then why do teachers assign so much homework? Bleh. 
How was your Thanksgiving weekend? (Hopefully, it was better than mines. Loool. Or at least, more fun. :p.).
↑ Last Thanksgiving picture. :p.
P.S. Happy Cyber Monday Eve! :D.

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