Today was a rainy day. :o. (At least, in my area.). Sometimes, I love the rain. Other times, I despise it. :x. It truly depends on where I am at the time that it's raining. (And how my mood is. o_o.). When I am at home and I don't have to go anywhere, I kind  of like the rain. :o. Sometimes, I like staring out the window and watch the raindrops fall. :p. Other times, I like watching the raindrops on my windows race down. :p. When it's raining, the weather is chill and I like it. The clouds are awesome too. c:. So, the rain is nice when I'm at home.
However, when I'm at school or I have to go to a lot of places, I really don't like the rain. o_o. One thing that really irritates me about the rain is: big puddles. Like when I'm at school and it's raining, I try my best to avoid puddles. However, no matter how hard I try, I always end up stepping in one. e_e. And it's annoying to have my shoes and socks all wet. It really sucks how I have to endure the wet socks and shoes for the entire school day. e_e. They just feel really uncomfortable. And I don't like it when my things get wet. When I'm walking, the books I hold in my arms and my backpack usually get soaked. (Even if I use my umbrella. Since, the wind blows the rain into my face and all. o_o.). And it ruins some of my papers/ materials. e_e. And I don't like it when I get soaked in the rain. Bleh. 
Feel free to tell me your opinion about rainy days by commenting in the Comments section below! :D. Until next time.~

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