I was browsing through Yahoo news articles and this particular article caught my eye. (Link: http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/australian-uses-angry-birds-pop-204714554.html.) 
I thought it was really interesting for him to propose that way. I thought it was ingenious and sweet. :o. Whenever I read these types of things, I always feel touched. It's amazing how creative some people can be. Also, big props to Rovio for helping the guy out! :D. Yay for helpful companies! 
All in all, I wish for their everlasting happiness. :D.
Recently, I was replaying Pokemon Emerald. And I noticed one major plot-hole thing. o_o. Or conspiracy. Or er-whatever-you-want-to-call-it. o_o. In the beginning of the game, you help Wally catch a Ralts. I believe it was only level 5. And it was Wally's first and only Pokemon. At level 5, Ralts only knows Growl, a status-affecting move. So, now I'm curious. How does he train it exactly? o_o. Does he teach it a TM move or something? o_o. 
Recently, I just watched The Great Gatsby. I thought it was an okay movie. Because Tobey Maguire once played the role of Spider-Man, the entire movie, I was like, "USE YOUR SPIDEY POWERS, PETER PARKER. D:." Loool. c:. I thought some scenes were pretty funny. Like when Jay Gatsby got nervous when Nick was going to invite Daisy over. 
Gatsby: "I'm uh going to cut my grass." 
And then later, he's like.
Gatsby: "What grass."
LOL. :p.
My thoughts right now.

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