Hello everybody. :D. Wow. I seem to be posting a lot of these types of posts. LOL. I guess I have a lot of random thoughts? :p. I hope you enjoy these types of posts. Haha. :p. 
Oi. Don't you just strongly dislike it when you're thinking of an idea, but someone else does the idea first and you can't use it because it would seem like you copied him/ her? -_-. Also, don't you just dislike it when you're thinking of a design, but someone else comes up with a design first, and it makes your idea seem like a potato. .-.  These situations really annoy me. I really don't like copying others. (I only do so as a last resort or if it's just something minor, like copying notes or something.). Sigh. It's like:

Playing Mario in first person would actually be pretty epic. o_o. (By "first person", I mean like you're facing everything through Mario's eyes, not viewing everything, including Mario, in third person. :p.). Especially in 3D graphics. o_o. Look at this video below. Props to Frediew for creating this video. Awesome video. c:. Honestly, I wouldn't mind it at all if a few new Mario games were played as first person instead of third person. :p. It gives it a new awesome feeling. c:. What do you think? Feel free to tell me your thoughts by commenting in the Comments section below. :p. 
Personally, I believe projects are a waste of time. Well, for the most part, that is. I feel like teachers just give them to make our lives harder. (Loljkjk.). To me, I don't learn anything new when I do projects. (For most projects, that is.). I feel like they just waste my time. And that I have to do a good job on them to receive a good grade. :/. On the other hand, I feel worksheets on lessons are effective. (Depends on the situation though.). At least, more effective than projects. I understand that some teachers use projects as part of their teaching style, but I don't think projects are effective in helping students learn new material, based on my experiences. :x. Either that, or I just don't really like projects. Lool. 
Omgeeeee. Do you see the "description" for the picture? :D. It shows this website! :D. *fanqurl scream.*. Loool. This website is now famous! Loljkjk. :p. 
More chicken wings. :).
2/23/2013 01:23:39 pm

4. Yay for CHICKEN WINGSSZ :))
5. That first-person view makes me claustrophobic-ish. LOL.
6. But it is pretty cool :P realistic
8. Projects are fun when you have good partners, good time, and good ideas of what you are going to do. Oh and good guidance. The four G's.
9. I really don't like how the Newton "scooter" project takes so much points ;w;

2/23/2013 03:08:15 pm

Lool. Yay for chicken wings. :p.
I thought the first person view looked pretty cool. :p. Yee.
LOL. Unfortunately, that never happens. e_e.
Oi... It's not even a freaking scooter. D:.


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