Colorful memories float throughout the room, as I remember the past. Memories dance around my head, as I try to recall the good times. Summer always makes me feel nostalgia. I don't know why. o_o. Loooooool. Honestly, I remember watching a few episodes of Pokemon and whatnot last summer. And now, I'm like playing Pokemon Ruby. And I plan to reread Special A next. .__. Looool. What is this sorcery? :o. It's quite amazing. :p. I think it's because I don't really have anything to do. And doing past things makes me remember good memories. ♥.
However, summer's almost over. And it's back to studying hard and yeah. Loooooool. It's both good and bad. The fact that you're occupied with studying gives you less time to be bored. o_o. Lool. I'm serious. However, sometimes, teachers pack on too much homework. And it overwhelms you/ stresses you out. :c. Sigh. It's always hard to have a completely good thing. :x. Anyways, if you have experienced nostalgia this summer please feel free to share it by commenting in the Comments section below! I look forward to reading your nostalgic experiences!

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