Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today, I'm going to blog a little bit about something I would like to call the "phone craze". Looooool. Basically, like I see people getting their first phone. I understand it's an exciting moment and all, but then they start the get obsessed. And they enter the "phone craze". I like to call it the phone craze, because like it sounds like a good title. No? Looooooool. Oh wells. *shrugs.*. Anyways, people with the phone craze become all obsessed with their phone and like can't put it down. Looooooool. But then after 1 - 3 months or so, the phone craze dies down. And the person returns to his/ her normal state. :D. Loooooool. I guess that's it? o_o. (Honestly, I thought I had more to say. Lool. ._.).~
Note: I might make some edits to this post later. Because I'm trying to think if I missed anything or not. Looooool.

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