Ugh. Sometimes, I have some classmates that are like total ingrates. Like sometimes, a classmate would ask me for help. And then I go out of my way to help him/ her in any way possible. Then, a few seconds later: "Um. I'm going to ask someone else for help." Or something like that. Like with no explanation why or no signs of appreciation or anything. And I'm like in my head, "Ugh. If you were going to do that in the first place, then why did you ask me for help? I just wasted my precious time for nothing?! -_-." It really annoys me when that happens. Like honestly. I'm the type of person who generally doesn't mind helping others. It's just that sometimes people don't show any appreciation or anything and it kind of ticks me off. Sorry. Just a little rant. Many of you guys and qurls may be able to relate to this though. :o.

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