(Um. The title makes this post sound awkward... But I assure you that this post is rated PG... 13. Loljkjk. It's totally rated G or so. o_o. Looool. I would have put "Rewearing Clothes" as the title, but I wasn't sure if "rewear" was a word or not. o_o.). 
Okay. So I think many of you can relate to this post. Like honestly. Lool. 
Honestly, it kind of annoys me when I go somewhere wearing my casual clothes and people go like, "I thought you wore that 1 week ago." Or something like that. And they stare at you strangely, while giving you some negative aura or something. (Like they expect you to wear a piece of clothing once and never wear it again. Smh.). Lolaura. And I'm like, "Yeah. I think." When on the inside, I'm like, "I have magical things called washers and driers. You should try them some time." 
Honestly, I don't really buy much clothes. I just buy whatever I need. So, I often wear the same clothes weekly. (Of course, I wash them. Clean clothes. :D.). So like yeah. o_o. I think it'll be much easier when I'm older because I'll just be wearing suits all the time. Loool. 
9/28/2012 12:13:26 pm

I know that feeling all too well.

9/28/2012 01:59:05 pm

Unfortunately. .__.


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