helloi everyoneeee. Finally found some time to blog again. I'mma just let my mind transfer all of its thoughts onto this post, cause I just can't take holding in all these feelings anymore. This isn't a conventional post, and I don't know when I'll have time to regularly blog again, but I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll be jumping from thought to thought, so this post may be confusing. 
Sometimes, i really just don't like newcomers. I know that I was once a newcomer in everything at one point, but it's just a feeling that I dislike. When a newcomer comes in the middle of everything, things don't quite go as smoothly anymore, for the most part. Like if things were going well, and some random person joined a group or something, events change. And I just don't like change at times, quite honestly. :/. So, it's just hard to deal with new ones during different moments for me.
Also, I find it really annoying when people aren't committed to what they're doing, especially if they try to do the same thing over and over again without any commitment whatsoever. It's like a person comes into a group, stays for like 2 weeks, and then leaves. It's annoying when people do that to the groups I'm in. Ugh. And it's even worse when some people do that to their "significant others". Playing with their hearts. It's a disgusting act.
My friend mentioned potatoes and now I really want to eat a baked potato with like sour cream and onion sauce and butter and ;alskdjf;alkjsdf. ;~;.
Ugh. I don't like how I'm always repetitive in every single thing I do, be it writing, talking, or whatever. I'm trying to break my repetitiveness, but I always find myself repeating things I've said before. Bleh. It bugs me.
Sometimes, I don't know whether I should ask about certain things or not. I'm naturally really curious about a lot of things, but I don't feel like it's proper for me to inquire people about personal subjects. 
Along with that subject, secrets are just very annoying. They create "secret bonds" (as I like to call them) between people. Sure, they can bring certain people closer... at the cost of making others feel distant. Naturally, we all have people we're closer to and people we're not as close to, but it's just annoying how some peeps flaunt that fact in public, be it using inside jokes or taunting people with secrets. 
Quite honestly, even now, I've never been the type of person that people told secrets to cause I've never been actually "close" with anyone. I'm kind of regretful that I'm not able to be close with some people, but I guess I just go with the flow. I find myself just knowing a lot of people, but not being too close with anyone. It has its benefits and its hindrances, I guess. *shrugs.*. 
I really really just want a baked potato right now... :c.
Sometimes, I wish that I could just pause time, or skip a couple of events. This Saturday, I'm going to have to compete at a life-changing competition, in which I can either fulfill my goals or fail miserably. And I just don't feel ready for it. a;lskdfj;alskdjf;lakjsdf. I wish I had more time to prepare and whatnot, but I guess I don't cause time doesn't stop for anyone. At the very least, I hope that the rest of the week won't be as hectic/ homework/ quiz-filled because I'll be focusing on preparing for the major competition. Wish me luck!
I really don't like it when I don't have time in my schedule to blog. From now on, I'll strive to set aside some time to allow me to blog-to express my feelings and thoughts. Ah, it felt so nice to write a blog post. 
*technically, not part of the post, but I needed somewhere to post this message.* 
hello, everyone. It's been quite a long time since I've posted my last blog post. I've been on hiatus due to school work and recent events. I went on a trip away from home for a competition and came back just this Wednesday. Due to that, I'm still quite tired and I have some makeup work to do. :p. Overall, I've been busy. Sorry for not posting. Without further ado, begin the new blog post!
Whenever I learn a new math concept, I always wonder how they were discovered/ created. Like, do they just come out of thin air? Or did like a rock from the sky with the math concept inscribed on it just dropped every time we needed a new one? LOL. Creating an introduction for an essay is already a hard feat for me, so when I think about mathematicians creating new MATH CONCEPTS from scratch, I can't help but feel impressed and in awe.
I always imagined that it would go down like this:
Mathematician: “Hey, guys. I did something productive today. :D.”
Peeps: “lolwhat.”
Mathematician: “I plugged in all the numbers for x and found that the graph doesn’t hit certain boundaries.”
Peeps: “lolk.”
Mathematician: “I should name them something…. As-cinamo-tater-tots-a-a… I got it! Asymptotes! :DDD.”
Peeps: “Let’s go eat some tater tots.”
That's how it totally would've gone down. ;D.
The classic double standards (like between genders, races, and ages) are already annoying enough. However, they get more irritating and impossible to deal with when they happen more frequently than they should. A couple of examples would include: 
Disruptive Students
Often times, students who are constantly disruptive during classes just get away with their actions because they act mischievously all the time.  
Selfish People
Let's take a popular game, for example. League of Legends is a game that a lot (That's even an understatement) of people. And it's not known for having a great community. And often times, when a team gets paired up with toxic players, the other team laughs at them. However, when it's their (the original enemy team) turn to get a toxic player, they rage. It's funny how people react when karma hits them in the face.
These were just some examples of some annoying double standards that I face day to day. What are your thoughts on double standards? Feel free to share your thoughts with me by commenting in the Comments section below. :).
In today's society, it's often easier to just blame others for something, as opposed to admitting to one's own fault . It's a very common situation. But sometimes, it gets a bit too far.
Honestly, I get really annoyed when people don't realize their mistakes and continue to blame innocent others. Being blamed for something you didn't do is quite annoying. Let's take a hypothetical situation.
Person A was supposed to meet Person B at a particular place and Person B was supposed to call Person A to tell him when he was going to be there. Person B forgot his phone and therefore, didn't call Person A. This caused Person A to not know when to meet up. Person B then blamed Person A for screwing up the occasion. 
Situations like these can be quite common. People like Person B sometimes don't know how to apologize and accept the fact that they're at fault. I think it's quite cowardly when people do that. 
When a problem occurs, I believe that people shouldn't yell at each other, or be TOO mad. Honestly, I think people should just calmly accept the situations a
Sorry for the plethora of sad posts lately. As you know, my blog posts are heavily influenced by life events. And well, life isn't all that perfect sometimes. 
Happy Lunar New Year's.~
If we were given theoretical wings, would you ever get the feeling that you just can't fly anymore? Cause that's how I feel right now. Not being able to soar is frustrating. 
Have you ever experienced a day in which, you have a terrible day, but EVERYONE (yes, I mean EVERYONE) around you has a terrific day? I'm not saying that it's good for others to have bad days, as well. But it feels just that much worse when everyone else is overjoyed about their day, while you suffer alone. 
Sometimes, when I get this feeling (especially, right now), I feel as if I can't accomplish anything. I'm the type of person who always recognizes my mistakes and I always try to correct them. But sometimes, they come back to haunt me, at the worst moments. People love to kick others when they're down and that only makes the situation much worse. Sigh. I don't need 50 other people telling me what I did wrong, because I realize my mistakes faster than anyone else can criticize me. I always aim to work hard and improve, but I just feel that I can't fly right now. 
To be completely honest, I just haven't been feeling like myself and have been reluctant to blog or do anything, really. I don't want the school week to start, yet, I don't want it to end at the same time. Sigh.
What is the feeling of being close to someone? Being able to have complete mutual trust in each other. Being able to know that one is going to be there for the other. I don't think I've ever experienced that feeling before. 
I'm not saying that I don't have friends. Sure, I do have friends. Sure, I'm closer to some of them. But I've never really felt the complete mutual trust, when I think about it. Often times, I see people just telling each other everything and whatnot. And it makes me wonder what that feels like.
I'm often partially excluded from many things. Whenever I'm in a group of people, I feel as if I don't get to be as close to some people as others are. I can often hear parts of secrets that are never told to me. And it's a cold feeling. 
I don't know. Perhaps, I'm crazy for thinking this, but the feeling is painful when I actually think about it.
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! :).
Looking forward makes me feel very stressed out. :/. 
As the title says, I'm feeling very stressed out right now. What's hurting me the most is the pace at which things are unfolding. Everything feels so rushed and I feel like I don't have enough time to finish each task. This feeling keeps piling on me and it gets worse and worse. It's consuming me and making me feel like a pile of dog poop. 
When I look at my calendar, I get overwhelmed by all the tasks that I have to perform within a given amount of time. I was assigned quite a bit of projects already, and with all the upcoming events that I have to participate in, I often fear that I'm unable to finish all of them.  I try to focus on one task at a time, but those thoughts override my actions and impair my performance. Let's take now for example. I'm unable to handle complex thoughts or even do math. The stress has definitely taken it's toll on my everyday life activities.
Because I'm unable (I even typed "unable" as "uanble" 3 times.) to finish my work with precision, I often start procrastinating. Stress just causes a negative snowballing effect. :/. 
Do you have any techniques for managing stress? Feel free to share them with me by commenting in the Comments section below. :). Thanks.~
(↑ I'd rather see a calming picture than a stressful picture.).
Don't you just love it when your food doesn't look like the picture on the box? Don't you just love it when you look at an advertisement, buy the product, and get garbage? I'm sure we all do.
In all seriousness though, it really annoys me when food pictures are misleading and deceiving. For example, when fast food companies, advertise their burgers, they always make them look super fancy and appealing. However, the product that you get at a restaurant is a completely different species. (Like it's not even a burger anymore. It turned into cardboard. o_o. Loljk.). Of course, the point of advertisements is to lure customers in, but it just bugs me when things are so exaggerated and false.
In addition, another type of misleading pictures of food is the box art on like food containers. (Did that make sense? .-. My choice of wording this week is just off. LOL. Sowwie. :x.). Everything looks so delicious, but when you actually buy the products, some of them just taste terrible. It's like their tastes don't match their pictures. :/. So, I guess don't judge a food's taste by its picture? 
"Luck? I don't know anything about luck. I've never banked on it and I'm afraid of people who do. Luck to me is something else: Hard work - and realizing what is opportunity and what isn't." ~ Lucille Ball.  
(On a side note, I wish I can catch a literal break. Been very busy with school stuffies and I'm exhausted. ;~;.).
Often times, I can see some people getting things they don't deserve. Whether be it material things or simply being lucky, life can make situations quite unfair very easily. It feels as if some people catch all the breaks, while others suffer the consequences of bad luck. :/. 
I really hope these quotes hold true:
"Luck marches with those who give their very best." ~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.
"Diligence is the mother of good luck." ~ Benjamin Franklin. 
If only some of us can catch a break... Sigh.