So like, I noticed Weebly made a new button feature. I'm wondering what it does. Looooool. So I'll be using this post to evaluate the usefulness of the new feature. :D. Here goes.
So like, if you press the button, you'll be linked back to this page. Overall, I really like the new button feature. :o. Props to Weebly. +1 to them. I really like the blue button style that they created. It's simple, yet it looks really nice. :o. To me, at least. And linking the button to things is a great feature! You will probably be seeing me use the new button feature very often soon. :p. Loooooool.
Edit: I don't like how the font changes to black when I publish the post. Like wtf. The blue and white color scheme looks better. :(. Ugh. It's really irritating me right now. Loool. I wish I could somehow change it. Lool.
↑ That's how it looked before it was published. Ugh. I want it to look like that. :(. It looks so much better. To me, at least. Lool.

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