Oi. Another thing that I strongly dislike about traveling is: jet lag. ._. What exactly is jet lag? According to Encarta Dictionaries: "fatigue and disorientation from long flight: an internal physical disturbance experienced by air travelers on flights across different time zones. It affects the body's internal clock, disrupting sleeping patterns, eating schedules, and body temperature." (And it is a noun. Loool.). You can read more about it here
Jet lag is very annoying. Like especially when you have school/ work. It completely throws off your internal clock and schedule. Like you can't sleep at night and stuffies. And then the next day, you wake up all tired because you couldn't sleep well. It really irritates me when that happens. And it takes a few days to adjust, which totally sucks. It's hard to get back to the normal routine after being affected by jet lag. Bleh. e_e. Recently, I just got over my jet lag. 
The only cool thing that comes with jet lag is saying that you "time traveled." Looool. Let me explain. Like going from one time zone to another. :p. Example: You start at a time zone that is at 7:00 a.m. and the place you end up at has a time of 5:00 a.m. Or something like that. Get it? (No? Ohkay. :x.). 

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