Screen protectors are very important, as they protect the screens of various devices. However, the process of applying them onto the said devices is such a pain. :c. Whenever I get a screen protector and have to put it on a device, I always pray that I get it on correctly. Like seriously. Loool. The process of applying the screen protector is really "difficult". It requires me to be very painstaking and cautious. One wrong move and the screen protector ends up looking  bad/ not sticking on correctly. I really don't like it when that happens .:c. 
When the screen protector is on, most of the time there are problems with it, unfortunately. e_e. Like sometimes, there are bubbles that you just can't seem to get rid of.  One of those few times that bubbles are bad. :c. And sometimes, the screen protector is slowly peeling off by itself because it wasn't stuck on correctly. However, there's always that one time where you place it on perfectly and it stays! :D. Yay for those moments. I wish they'd happen more often. c:.
P.S. Happy Chinese New Year's Eve. :D.
Note: I'm sorry I took so long to post a new post. I had writer's block. (Or rather, "post block." o_o.). Couldn't articulate my thoughts. :c. 
2/9/2013 01:05:28 pm

Post block.
After block. Lol.

1. Happy Chinese New Years [Eve] to you too :D
2. Air bubbles get to ALMOST the edge...and they return to their stubborn places smack dab in the middle of the screen again.

2/9/2013 01:18:46 pm

Lool. So many blocks. (Lolblocks. c:.).

Omge. I know right. Those stubborn bubbles. ._.


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