You know what I dislike? Those advertisements that you have to watch before watching a YouTube video. Looool. You know what I like? Challenges from teachers. Yeah. You heard me. Challenges from teachers. (Not like a Yu-Gi-Oh duel. Although, I'm imagining my teacher going like, "I CHALLENGE YOU TO A D-D-D-D-D-D-DUELLL!" LOL. Yay for imagination? :p. Sorry. Went on a tangent. :p.).
(Anyone else here miss classic Yu-Gi-Oh? :o. Nostalgia rush.~).
Sometimes, I would get certain challenges from one of my teachers. And for the most part, they're entertaining. :p. They add new excitement to the class. And it's amusing to do them. Sometimes, my teacher adds a reward for finishing a challenge. However, I would do them regardless of whether there are rewards at stake or not. :p. I just think that they're fun to do. :p. And whenever I accept a challenge, I'm all like:
 Do you like challenges? Tell me your thoughts by commenting in the Comments section below!
(↑ Picture totally related to the post. Loooljkays. It's semi-related to the post. :p. More related to this random thought, however. Lool. 
Random thought: There should be a college named "Hogwarts" and have the mascot be a wizard. So, a person who goes to that college can honestly say: "I'm going to Hogwarts to become a Wizard!" Loool. :p. Although, I think there are some schools that have their mascot as a wizard. o_o. I think. Lool.).
1/22/2013 11:22:31 am

that song was catchy.
It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dddddduuuuueeeeeeeeelllllllllll!

1/22/2013 11:36:40 am

↑ Omge. Agreed. :).
Nostalgia rush.~


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