Oho. I hear that we have a new page. :o. To confirm the rumors, yesh, there is a new page. It's called: FAQs. What does FAQs stand for? It stands for Frequently Asked Questions. Basically, the purpose of the page is to put all of the frequently asked questions into one place, so that everyone can view it. :o. Hopefully, it cleared up some confusion and satisfied some of your curiosity. :p. Although, if you do have a question that was not answered on the FAQs page that you would like to ask me, you may use the contact forms on the Contact Me page or ask by commenting on The Official Questions Thread. (Kudos to Berry Sweet for asking questions. c:.). 
Also, the old Videos page has been removed. At this point, that page was pretty much useless, sadly. :/. So, things had to be done and I removed it. However, if, at one point, I make my own YouTube channel or something, then it'll probably be brought back filled with my own videos. c:. Just a thought. :p. 
Also, if you have an idea for a page, feel free to comment in the Comments section below or something. :D. If it's a good idea, I'll make that page and thank you for it. :D. 
Special Thanks: Here's a special thanks to Berry Sweet. She's been very helpful. :D. And I really appreciate it. She helped me with the FAQs page and even gave me some new ideas! You should go visit her blog! If you're Berry Sweet and you're reading this, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! Also, here's a special thanks to you, the viewers and supporters. Nothing can be accomplished if it weren't for you guys and qurls. So, thanks. :).
So, what are you waiting for?! Go visit the FAQs page! :D.
Raymond Deng
10/6/2012 12:23:16 pm

How long has this site been up

10/6/2012 12:33:59 pm

It was created on 1/1/2010. Therefore, making it around 2 years, 10 months, and 6 days old. New Year's Day of 2013 marks this website's 3rd anniversary. Lool.


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