Okay. This post is going to be about favoritism. Honestly, favoritism is such a pain sometimes. Like especially when it occurs with friends. I've been in so many situations where favoritism has really annoyed me. Like so HYPOTHETICAL SITUATIONNNNNN: A friend is about to tell me something. But then doesn't. And like (s)he doesn't quite tell me. And has some excuse for not telling me. But then broadcasts it to everyone else. Like wtf. However, when the tables turn and (s)he wants to know something from me, I just simply tell him/ her. Like wtf. Treat others the way you want to be treated. I really want to do what (s)he does to me with secrets and stuffs, but I'm not that kind of person. And so I become the nice guy and just tell him/ her. Sigh. Maybe I need better friends. :/.
"If you think I'm just a foolish kid ruled by his emotions, that's fine. Following Itachi's path would be childish, the whispering of fools who don't know hatred. If anyone else tries to ridicule the way I live, I'll slaughter everyone they ever cared about. And then maybe they'll understand what it's like to taste… a little of my hatred." ~ Masashi Kishimoto. 
6/8/2012 01:32:16 pm



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