Happy April Fools' Day of 2013. :D. Alright. Let's cut to the chase. Did I catch you off guard with the previous blog post? :o. The one stating that this website was going to shut down? Sorry 'bout that. I had to. :p. It was too tempting. Lool. Is it just me or is this April Fools' Day like more popular this year? o_o. Like I've been seeing more companies do April Fools' tricks. Google did one, but that's the usual. Twitter had done one. I'm not sure whether I just missed jokes from certain companies last year, or more companies played pranks this year. Lool. I think it's pretty funny when big companies play pranks like these. They're quite amusing. :p.
How was your day today? Did you pull off any pranks? Did you get pranked? :o. Do you have any April Fools' traditions? Feel free to share your thoughts by commenting in the Comments section below! :D.
Here are some April Fools' pranks that I found amusing. :p. 
( ↑Let's not forget my own April Fools' prank. ;D.).
There were a couple more, but I couldn't find a good way to express them. (Especially the Twitter one.). Like Twitter announced that they were going to eliminate vowels from their service. And charge $5 if you want them back. Lool. It was an interesting April Fools' Joke. :p. And like I saw this picture with this scenario:
Two people were texting. And like one qurl said to another to ask a guy out. And if the guy says "no" say "April Fools!", but if he says yes, like just go with the flow. I found that to be ingenious and awesome. o_o. Props to whoever created that. (Sorry. I couldn't find the picture. D:.).
May everyone survive the pranks pulled on this day. :). 

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