Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo, everybody. :D. Let me start this post off with a big apology for not having a "Happy Last Day of November 2012" post. :c. I ish sowwieeee. :(. (But technically, it wasn't really my fault. o_o. You'll see why in a few seconds.). In fact, to compensate for the lack of the post, I'll combine it with this post. :D. 
Happy first day of December 2012. :D. Anyone else waiting for 12/12/12? :D. Loool. :p. Last month was a very busy one. e_e. And I think this one's going to be busier than ever. Blehhh. (Although, I was quite pleased that I made time to blog. :D. I think I'm managing my time more wisely nowadays. Woohoo. Yay for good time management.). It was literally a barrage of tests, quizzes, homework assignments, and projects every day. I don't quite know how I survived... .__. And like yesterday was my limit. I literally collapsed and fell asleep at like 8:30 p.m. or something last night. I was sleep deprived the entire month. ;_;. And being stressed out doesn't help. e_e. Hopefully, you guys and qurls had a better month than I did. 
So ,it's a new month. :D. Yayyyyy. :D. Christmas is coming! Omge. The year is almost over as well. :o. Dangggg. Time really does fly by, in a sense. When you look forwards, it seems like a long time. When you look backwards, it seems like it's just a few days. It's strange how perspective works like that. :p. Interesting, though. I can't wait till next year comes, but at the same time, I don't want it to come. :/. I'm quite scared. This month seems like it's going to be a really stressful one. .__. And I thought last month was bad enough. .___. I'mma try really hard to make time to blog and whatnot. :D. 
Here's my story about why I didn't make a "Happy Last Day of November 2012" post: 
Again, I deeply apologize. It was because I didn't have Internet access. On Friday, when I arrived home, I was shocked to see that I didn't have an Internet connection. My home phone service didn't work either. It was full of static and stuffies when I attempted to make a phone call. It was raining that day, so I was like, "Ohhh. Maybe the rain disrupted something. I'll try tomorrow." So, that day I didn't really do much because I was just exhausted. As stated above, I literally collapsed and fell asleep at 8:30 p.m. And so, the next day (today), I woke up and tried again, but no luck. It didn't work. At this point, I was kind of angry. I called customer support. And apparently, everyone in the area with AT&T Internet service has this problem. It was just kind of outrageous. They stated that they were "fixing" it. (Which I believe, is a bunch of bs. Like it's a major problem that upsets a lot of customers. They should have had a fix for it already. Or have a better explanation why they didn't have it finished already.). And that made me even angrier. 
Think about it this way: If you went to the store and bought something that doesn't work, you would return it right? Because you wouldn't want to pay for something that doesn't work. Right? Same application for this case. Why would I want to pay for something that isn't working? e_e. They better offer a compensation or something. Ugh. They better have it fixed by tomorrow. I really want to switch my Internet service provider to Charter or something. AT&T has too many problems. e_e. (Something like this has happened before, as well.). 
For those of you that are wondering, I'm using my kind neighbor's WiFi right now. (Yay for human kindness.). I have like 4 projects due next week, and I needed the Internet for it. So yeah. :c. 
Although, a few things did come out well because of this experience. I learned a lesson and made my own quote. :D.
Lesson Learned: When I lack a working Internet connection, my productivity rate increases by 300%. (It's because most of my distractions are taken away. :p.).
Also, here's a quote that I created. At least, I think I created it. o_o. Because I searched it up and nothing came up. (And nothing similar to it came up. So yay for new quote. :D.). But in the case that it was from memory and that someone else created it, I give full credit to that person. :p. "I'm afraid of hugging you because if I do, I don't think I can ever let go." ~ Me. ♥. Happy first day of December.~

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