Well, a new month is finally here. (And I can't tell whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. o_o.). Happy first day of October 2012! Happy first post of the month, as well. :D. Lool. I can't exactly say that things, for me at least, are going swell. But I guess they're decent. Lool. Not the best, and at the same time, not the worst. Hopefully, things are working out for you guys and qurls. If not, then I feel you. Loool. It's a terrible feeling to know that things aren't working out right. :/.
The weather is so strange. Today was like 107 degrees Fahrenheit. a;lslaksjdf;lkjasdf. It was so hot. D:. (As I'm writing this blog post, the weather still feels very hot. :c.). And tomorrow's weather isn't  going to be much cooler either, unfortunately. Bleh. And I thought it was autumn. T_T. Stupid heat waves. 
Somehow, my grades are slipping a bit. :/. And the my homework load just gets bigger and bigger. My blogging time gets reduced more and more. ;_;. *cries.*. And I feel a bit sick right now. Or at least, I'm not feeling 100% right now. :c.
Hopefully, the month will be much better than last month, which, tor the most part, was a terrible month (well, the beginning was awesome, but it ended terribly). Happy first day of October.~ 

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