Here is some nostalgia for those of you who have been viewing my website since day 1! :D. (I know I should've done something like this for the 2nd Anniversary, but I was busy with the Neos update. :P. Lolol. Better late than never!). Anyways, here goes.
That was the website within the first few days when it was created. Ah, the memories. ♥.
That was the website when it was a few weeks old.
And that was the website when it was about 3-4 months old. The style basically stayed the same for a long time. Lolol. This was all Pre-Neos. Lolol.
And that's the website now!!! (Post-Neos.). The website, as you can see, has changed drastically over the years (for the better, of course.). Lolol. Send me a form using the "Contact Me" page, or comment below to tell me the changes you want to see in this website for future updates! Lol. (Psttt. A revamp is coming soon.). Haha. Lol. Enjoy!

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