Although it pains me to say this, iamboredish and everything iamboredish related will be shutting down soon. Unfortunately, I've been really busy lately. I don't have much time to maintain this website. A website definitely needs good periodic maintenance. Also, the amount of views this website gets per millisecond, per second, per minute, per hour, per day, per week, per month, and per year have not reached my expectations. I felt as if it wasn't worth it to run this website anymore. Because of these reasons, I have no other choice, but to shut down this website. Here are some pictures that may bring nostalgia. I felt that reliving some of these memories may be good before shutting down this website. 
↑ Here is the website when it was first created in 2010.
↑ Here is the website after adding more pages and content. 
↑ Here is the website after it received the Neos update, the biggest update this website has ever experienced. 
I hope you enjoyed these pictures as much as I've enjoyed them. This decision has been a very painful one to make. It has definitely been a good run. I, the creator of this website, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me to the very end. Goodbye.~
By the way... April Fools!
4/1/2013 02:05:52 pm

I'm sad to see the blog go, and I hope that one day you'll start another one to continue your endeavors c:

4/1/2013 02:06:32 pm

Not sure if I used to word endeavors correctly in that sentence, but meh.

4/1/2013 02:32:42 pm

↑ Seems like one person didn't get the point of the post. :p. (*trying not to give it away though.*.)

4/2/2013 12:25:35 pm

I whale *sob* miss this *sob* website *sob* and all your *sob* posts.
*cough* *sob*

4/2/2013 12:33:10 pm

I *sob.* know *sob.* right. *cries enough tears to fill up the Grand Canyon.*.


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