(You know, I don't know whether it's "Kateikyoushi" or "Katekyo." o_o. Lol. I first found it as "Kateikyoushi", so I'm going to be using it as that. Just saying. Looool.). 
My first thoughts after reading this chapter: Dayum... Nice chapter and Reborn's a boss. :o. Loooool.
Warning: Many spoilers are going to be said. Just saying. Lol. 
This chapter was pretty awesome. Despite Bermuda's looks, he's very strong. He's kind of overpowered. o_o. The ability to short warp an infinite amount of times.... .__. Yet, Reborn was able to counter it. :D. For a short while, at least. Loool. That was pretty damn awesome. 
I like how Reborn always has a plan for everything. Loool. And the plans always seem to work. :o. It's amazing. Loool. #TeamReborn. :D.
And it's always nice how he's all composed and stuff. :D. Calmness, ftw. Lol. And it was interesting how Tsuna FINALLY figured out that the guy in the suit was Reborn. Looool.
Apparently, Reborn had a special bullet to shoot at Tsuna. :o. Well, it was the Dying Will Bullet. 
And it makes me wonder... Since, Tsuna is already in Hyper Dying Will Mode... 
Hyper Dying Will Mode + Dying Will Bullet = ? 
I'm really pumped up for next week's chapter. Loool. A lot of events happened in this chapter. I really like Reborn's fighting style. He's awesome. :D. Loool. I wish next week's chapter will come like in 5 seconds or something. Because I don't think I'll be able to survive the whole week. ;_;. Due to the fact that I have like 124870192874 homework assignments and 102847091827409714 projects. And like 1208470192847 quizzes/ tests to study for... Sigh. .__. 

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