So like today was my last day of school. Loooool. It was an okay day, overall, I guess. Lol. (I don't know where to start. ._.). This year was an okay year. :/. To be honest, I believe last year was better. Lol. Just felt better, I guess. Half of this school year was pretty crappy. Lol. And the other half was just okay. Lol. There weren't as many great memories compared to last year. Oh wells. People were crying and whatnot. I had one quote in my head during all this time. "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." ~ Dr.Seuss. It had great meaning to me. I think it helped me stay chill, for the most part. Lol. And yeah. Lol. Congratulations class of 2012.~
Well, summer vacation is here. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have a boring summer. Lolew. And I didn't really want summer vacation to come because: it's boring and that I'm running out of time to make a decision. I was never good at making certain decisions. :/.

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