Well, like the topic of this blog post is going to be: Lunar Festivals, as stated in the title. Lolol. Well, like I went to a Lunar Festival like a day ago. Lolol. It was quite typical. Lol. For a lunar festival, that is. Lol.
To be honest, I'm not quite fond of those festivals. Well, not as fond of them, as some people, per se. Lolol. Just saying. Lolol. Probably, because to enjoy the festival, you need BFFs to go with you. :o. And like my BFFs weren't with me. :(. Lolol. And like the crowd is always so pushy. Like they invade your personal space. Lolol. *makes an imaginary bubble.*. Much better. Lolol. And like the lines are so long. e_e. I don't have much patience. And like the things the people are waiting for are like really cheap items. Lol. I don't even know why I line up for them. Lolol. (Probably because my mom was there waiting too. Lolol.). And like yeah. ._.
All in all, the Lunar Festival was okayyyy. Ish. Lolol. In my opinion, at least. Lolol. The only good part was that I got a free pen, a free calendar, and food (Had to pay for, of course. Lolol. Free food would be awesome though. ._.), I think my experience would've been better, if I was there with my BFFs and yeah. Lolol.

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