Woot. An awesome Naruto chapter was released today. :D. Omgeeee. It was so epic and awesome. Words can't describe how epic it was. These days, there are really few mangas that can make me say things like that. :o. 
Warning: Many spoilers will be said in this post. Read at your own risk. (I only put this for people who don't like spoilers. Looool. I, for one, like spoilers. c:.). 
I was surprised to see that this chapter was still on the battle against Tobi. I thought it would shift back to Madara or Sasuke or something. :o. (Although, I'm more interested about who Tobi is. I'm going to be pissed if they break off his mask and it switches back to Madara/ Sasuke. e_e.). This chapter was just amazing. Kakashi got to show his true analytical prowess. And Kakashi was just so badassed in this chapter. :o. He's like the key to defeating Tobi. :o. 
It was quite awesome how Kakashi noticed that his Kamui was similar to Tobi's teleportation/ dimension sucking in jutsu. :o. And how he used Kamui to counter it. It was ingenious. I wonder how many more Kamuis Kakashi can use though. :/.  Although, he seems to be holding up pretty well. :o. Like he used Kamui 3 times or so already. o_o. Before, 2 Kamuis and he would have fainted. Looool. Go Kakashi! :D. 
The fact that Tobi's teleportation jutsu sends himself into the same dimension as whatever gets sucked in by Kakashi's Kamui makes me think about who Tobi is. :o. (You might rage about this, but this is my opinion. And we are all entitled to our own opinions. Thanks.). Here are my theories about who Tobi is: 
• Maybe Tobi is Obito. :o. Since Kakashi has Obito's sharingan, their abilities are very similar. The fact that they share a dimension must mean something. :o. And it's kind of hinted that Kakashi has a feeling that he knows who Tobi really is. :o.
• Maybe Tobi is some Uchiha that found Obito's body and took Obito's eye. That explains why Kakashi and Obito share a dimension. Their eyes are from the same person. Their ocular powers are very similar too. 
Well, those are just my opinions about these matters. :p. If you have a Tobi theory and would like to share it, please feel free to by commenting in the Comments section. I always like reading a well thought out theory. :p. Enjoy.~

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