Okay. So like, I made a new Twitter account. :D. The username is GlowyBubbles. c:. And like I created it on the 4th of July 2012. :D. Loool. Happy birthday, America. c:. Looool. I like creating new things on special days. Loool. Maybe it's just me. *shrugs.*. :p. So like yeah. Looooool. Anyways, on with the point. (Lolpoints.). I had a Twitter account before, it was xDrkGenesisx. I was thinking about coming back to Twitter for many months now, but I really didn't have the time to do so. And so, now that it's summer, why not? And so I made the Twitter account. I made a new Twitter account because I felt like I needed a new start. A new beginning. A fresh genesis with a refined feel. Lol. 
So, I finally figured out how to use hastags. Omgeee. Lolyay! *partays.*. :D. Lool. As of now, I'm just tweeting about my daily life, opinions, and whatnot. And if you find that interesting, feel free to follow me. Lol. The more followers, the better! :D. You can also "mention" me in a tweet, if you want. (I'm still trying to figure out the "@" system on Twitter. :/. Anyone mind helping me out? Loool.). If you find my tweets very amusing, feel free to show your friends/ family/ whoever you want. :D. Lol. That's the whole point of social networks, right? Being connected. :D. Loool. Anyways, below this paragraph, there will be a few Twitter widgets and buttons. (You probably already saw these features around the site before. :p.). Feel free to press the buttons. :D. Like to follow me or mention me in a tweet. c:. Anyways, thanks for your support! :D. 
OH YEAH! I had a crazy thought. But maybe it isn't so crazy. I was thinking about starting a trend about this site. Looool. Like #iamboredish or something. So, this is just a brief message about it. :p. With your help, we all might be able to spread the word about this site and make it more popular! :D. Omgeeee. Yesh. That would be the #1 goal of the trend. c:.(I just put the #iamboredish button to see how well it would do. I'm pretty sure that no one is going to tweet about it, but whatever. :/.). Anyways, onward with the fancy widgets and buttons!

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