Personally, I'm always constantly looking for ways to improve who I am, as a person, and all my abilities. So, I came up with an idea of slowly improving myself, with a way to see progress! I started: One Goal Per Day/ Goal of the Day (GOTD for short.). What it essentially is: 
I name a goal in the morning and then work towards it throughout the day. I also publish my goals on my Twitter
For example, yesterday, when I launched this campaign, I put a goal of making a Top 3 Plays YouTube video. And I accomplished it! It was a milestone in my YouTubing career as well. :). 
Today, my original goal was to record a League of Legends video with full game commentary, but unfortunately, my right eye is very irritated due to the extreme weather shifts, and I'm unable to commentate and play as well as I want to. 
Trying to hold to my word, I decided to change my goal into a different one. This idea came to me when I played a Ranked Game. Usually, many people are just completely toxic, and just bad in this queue. In order for them to not affect my mentality and playstyle, I decided to place the goal of: Have a learning attitude despite the negativity around me.
As of today, I won a game and lost a game. But in both experiences, I had fun and learned a lot. It actually was fun (for once) to lose. (You're probably thinking that I'm crazy now.). Why? Simply because I learned a lot about team compositions, the importance of closing out games, and how to make epic comebacks. Besides, my team deserved to lose, so  I don't mind the more deserving team to win. 
Overall, I did accomplish my goal! So, that's 2 for 2. :). I'll be continuing to make goals to improve my lifestyle every day because that's just who I am.~

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