Haii everyone. :D. This post is basically about what the title says. Looool. Yay for relevant titles? :p. Anyways, there has been a slight homepage change here at iamboredish.weebly.com. Loooool. Well, there has been a few changes, but I just wanted to announce all of them in one post. Lool. Makes things easier. Lolyay. Anyways, there is now a Facebook page widget at the middle left of the homepage. And there's a few widget/ thingies on the middle right of the homepage. They're all links to things that iamboredish is also on. (NeoLeaf is my secondary blog, but I don't really use it anymore.). So yeah. Looool. Just announcing that. 
And the Meebo Bar is looking quite impressive right now. Lolyay. It looks like a real professional bar or something. Looooool. To me, at least. I hope you guys and qurls like it. :p. Sadly, I can't figure out why the glitter effect thing isn't working. :/. Still working on that. Anyways, have a nice day/ night.~

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