Personally, I think the beginning of things are the hardest parts of them. Well, generally speaking, that is. (It also depends on the situation too.). Whenever I get assigned a project, I take FOREVER to start. Like seriously. Sometimes, it's because I procrastinate a lot. But other times, I think it's because I get overwhelmed. I think about the entire project and how I'm going to do everything and just get too stressed out to start. ._. And so, I waste a lot of time just trying to start. :c. However, once I start, I get a good momentum and finish things pretty quickly. (Well, that is, if I'm not procrastinating.). I just find it strange how starting a project can be so overwhelming. :/. I guess I just overthink things too much. :p.
What are your thoughts about starting projects? :o. Feel free to tell me your thoughts by commenting in the Comments section below. :).
3/2/2013 12:55:06 pm

Sometimes it helps to start thinking about the project after it's given, regardless of having a computer or Internet nearby.
Some ideas just tend to stick onto your head until they get recorded. :P

3/2/2013 12:59:00 pm

Oooh. Well, thinking of ideas is not a hard problem. Um. Actually, I take that back. It really depends on the situation. :p. Cause sometimes, finding/ coming up with an idea is the hardest part. *cough.*. Like some of our reports. *cough.*. But it all depends on the situation. :p.
Omgee. Sticks. :D. Loljkjk. Sometimes, IMPORTANT thoughts just elude you. e_e.
Thanks for the tips.~


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