Gah. Why are some ideas so temperamental? T_T. (I hope I'm using the word correctly. o_o.). I swear, the likelihood of me coming up with good ideas when I actually need them is like close to 0. T_T. It's kind of sad, really. o_o. My good ideas always come to me at random times. (Most of the times, they come to me when I don't need them. ;_;. Like seriously.). Sometimes, it's a good thing. But for the most part, it's a rather irritating thing. :c.
For example. Here's a random situation: 
Let's say I'm required to draw some pictures for something. During the time that I'm given, my mind is like blank. o_o. I'm unable to think of what I should draw. And so, my picture ends up very plain. However, after I turn it in, there are typically 2 scenarios. I either:
• come up with really good things to draw (Even though I'm not the best artist in the world, just coming up with ideas is good enough for me. :p.).
• my mind stays blank. 
Have you ever been in a situation like that before? T_T. 
I swear, some of my ideas can be such trolls sometimes. Like they would come to me at the most random times ever. Sometimes, I would wake up at night/ morning during the time that I'm sleeping. (I don't know why. Maybe to use the restroom or something.). Let's say it's like 2:30 A.M. And like I would come up with some good thoughts to blog about. ;_;. I would always have to decide whether to get up and like write them down or hope that I remember them when I wake up. Post-It notes are awesome in these situations. (Like how I explained before in a previous blog post.). 
All in all, I just hope that my ideas come to me when I need them. ;_;. Although, sometimes, random ideas at random times can be a good thing. ;).

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