You know. I wonder why most companies' technical/ customer services are so terrible. Like honestly. Don't they care about the consumers? Wait. That's probably a terrible question. They mostly care about profits. e_e. For the most part, I really dislike calling customer support. The amount of time that you have to wait before an agent actually gets to you is horrendous. I swear. I can like cook a whole pizza before an agent receives the call. And sometimes, the automated bots have terrible voice recognition. 
Ohkay. Like I mentioned in the last post, my Internet service was out. It was repaired on Thursday. (That's a total of 6 days of downtime. Like wtf.). I apologize for not blogging. I've been busy. (And I probably won't make many posts in these upcoming weeks either. I have exams coming up. And I'm getting busier and busier. :c.). 
It was just very terrible how I had to wait 6 days before AT&T's repairman came to fix everything. (Luckily, I was able to use my kind neighbor's WiFi. Otherwise, I would've been completely screwed. I had many projects and homework assignments that required the Internet. Like for research and whatnot.). And I didn't even receive a compensation or anything. e_e. Sigh. 
Some companies just really need to improve their customer support.  

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