(I think I made a post like this a long time ago. Looool. But here goes, regardless.).
You know. Sometimes, things just have terrible timings. A lot of things, sadly. :c. It feels like the things are trying to troll me. ;_;. It just happens way too often... Smh. Let me give you a few examples.
Scenario: Phone situation thingy. o_o.
I don't really use my cell phone very often. (Probably because I don't particularly like it.). And I don't really have a reason to, since I don't get many calls. And I use social networking sites to keep in touch with others. (Other people also contact me via social networking sites. Looool. Yay for social networking sites. :D.).
When I have my phone off: Apparently, I get 2038470298374 missed calls, 2083740982374 voicemails, and 20384702983740928374 text messages after I turn my phone on. And like people tell me that I should use my phone more often. Loool. Which brings me to the second case of this scenario.
When I actually have my phone turned on for a long period of time: No one calls me. No one texts me. And it makes me feel like keeping my phone on is wasting its battery life. ;_;. (/foreveralone.). Honestly, I don't understand how I can get so many missed calls/ text messages when my phone is off, when I don't receive anything when it's on. Smh. Troll logic. .__.
Second Scenario: Study hall. 
Okay. So sometimes, in certain periods, we're given a free period. (Very rarely.). Not exactly "free", but close enough. Basically, you're able to do work from any class during that period. So, it's nice having study hall. :D.
When I don't have study hall: I have like 203840 projects, 238904729834 homework assignments, and 23490723 quizzes/ tests to study for. And like all the work piles up... *refers to my "Piling Obligations" blog post.*. Which is bad. :c. 
When I actually do have study hall: The teacher decide to not give out any homework assignments/ projects/ tests/ quizzes. Trollllled. ;_;. And so, study hall periods become boring when that happens. *cries.*
It really sucks when you're being trolled by uncontrollable forces. ;_;. If you've experienced something like this before, then I feel you. Don't be afraid to comment in the Comments section below to tell me your thoughts/ experiences. :D. 

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