You know what really makes me angry? Popularity. Yeah, I know that this is probably going to sound like some silly TV drama plot line. Cause, in all honesty, it's almost as silly as one. Scratch that. This was just ridiculous. 
In society, the people who get all the power are those who have the majority on their sides. They may not be strong themselves, but the fact that they're popular, gives them all the power. They say a word, and it's done. Boom. Like magic. And why do people listen to them? Well, I guess it's cause they have all the people on their side. It's just an ugly cycle.
When a conflict happens between a popular person and an unpopular person, the people favors obviously the popular one. It's like racial discrimination all over again. (I'm looking at you, Scottsboro Trials.). People believe the words of the popular one and don't even give the less known one a chance. 
It's like: 
Popular Person: That guy ate a CD Disk. (Lie.)
Unpopular Person: No, I didn't! (Truth.)
People: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. *treats him/ her unfairly cause of the popular person's lie.*.
Every time I get in a conflict with a popular person, I always have to be the mature one, take all the blame, and apologize because according to that person's words, I'm in the wrong. 
And so, I swallow my pride and do so, because I never want things to escalate to a point in which tensions get so bad that they affect everyone around us. Like the problem is between me and that person, not anyone else. I'm just that kind of person who's willing to put everything behind us, and look towards a brighter future. Cause I don't like dwelling in a sad past, which things can't be changed. But of course, people don't like letting things go, and complicate things further. 
Taking something that's supposed to be fun and turning it into a feud that hurts people is just ridiculous. And of course, the popular person would manage to turn everything against me, a less popular person. And what really is burdening is that the person is friends with most of my friends, and already managed to get them to believe his/her word. (The funny thing is, I kind of expected something like this to happen, so I've always kept some distance. But I guess it wasn't enough.) I'm pretty sure I'll be treated unfairly and differently because of this silly thing. I really dislike interacting with people sometimes... And this doesn't help my desire to change that either.
Looking back at my actions, I can see that my words were never even considered. My side of the story didn't even matter. Cause according to society, I was in the wrong. If I didn't hold in my pride and instinct to stand up for what I believe in, I'm sure things would've been 100% worse, for me that is. Of course, the popular person would get pity for being sincere and be just fine. What is even worse is that, in the situation, the popular person was just frustrated with other things, and I was the one (s)he had to take it out on. I'm not even that close to that person, and I was dragged into it, as a scapegoat. I wasn't even looking for trouble. I was just minding my own business, reading, and I get this massive problem. It makes me furious how things work out like this. Why am I the one who gets the short of the stick? Ohwait. I do know. It's cause I’m unpopular and things are always pinned against me, when it comes to going against a popular person. Right. 
It just hurts all aspects of life cause I'll probably be even more exuded that I already am for certain things. And that isn't good at all. I just dislike how much decisions a popular person can make that dictates how other people's lives go.
In the end, all I, the unpopular one, could do is: apologize and accept it.  No matter what I say, feel, or do, things don't change for the better for me. Cause that's just how it freaking works sometimes. 
All I want to do is just stay at home and just relax, I don't wanna interact with people I know right now. I can already see that next week is already going to be a bad week. Sigh.

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