Ugh. These days, I've been receiving a lot of unfair punishments. (Well, ish. o_o. Rather, the classes that I'm in have been receiving unfair consequences.). Like when one person screws up, it creates a problem for everyone. e_e. That really bugs me. It's just not fair to punish a whole group because of one person. (In most cases, at least.). For example, one guy in one of my periods, dropped his glass drink container and now, for that period, we can't drink water... Smh... The teacher explained her reasoning. And I know she wants to prevent another accident from happening again, but I think that, that punishment was rather unfair. (Note: I'm not trying to bash on teachers. So, don't take it the wrong way.).
Everyone makes mistakes every now and then. So, I don't think it's really fair to punish the whole class because of one accident. :/. However, that's not the case for all scenarios. Sometimes, there are just some really self-centered people. Like they don't really care about what happens to others. And they just cause trouble for everyone. Their actions cause the whole class to be penalized. (Well, some people deserve to the penalized. Like the people who cause the trouble. But penalizing the innocent people, as well, really irritates me.). With that logic, isn't it better to just have fun causing trouble, knowing that everyone's going to be punished in the end? Sigh.
"A fool learns from his mistakes, but a truly wise man learns from the mistakes of others." ~ Otto von Bismarck.

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