Oh noes. There has been less and less visitors visiting this website. D:. Not even one of my BFFs... Berry Sweet, has come to visit. D:. I believe she's busy... But when I check her blog, it seems like she just rushed a few posts. I wonder what else she's doing... Hm... Oh wells. She probably has better things to do than visit this website.
Hm. *thinks of new ways to get more visitors to visit this website.*. Lolol.
Don't let all this hardwork go to waste. :o. Lolol. I did all this for you! Yesh, you! The viewers of this website. :D. You guys and girls, are what's keeping me going. Lolol.
Please spread the word. And invite your friends and such!
2/10/2012 12:24:28 pm

'Course I still visit :D You just can't see me. O:)

2/10/2012 12:25:43 pm

And, no, I don't really have much to do online...

2/10/2012 12:33:53 pm

Yey. And yesh. I do see you.
"And, no, I don't really have much to do online..."
↑ Complete lie. Thank you very much.


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