Sometimes, waking up at certain times can be a pain. :c. Personally, I find it easier to wake up and start my morning when I wake up by my own free will. (Like no one is telling me to get up and etc.). However, during the school week, I usually my alarm clock usually wakes me up. And it just makes it harder to get up. o_o. (I'm pretty sure most of you guys and qurls out there have experienced this feeling before. :p. Unless, you've been so lucky that you've never had to wake up at certain times before. o_o.). Like you get this feeling where you're drowsy and don't want to get up and whatnot. o_o. Like seriously. When someone/ something wakes me up at a bad time, I go like: "Don't wake me up, up, up, up up, up... *insert entire "Don't Wake Me Up" song here." ~ Chris Brown. Loool. :p.
Waking up by my own free will is something that I wish I can do daily. .__. (Also, getting a healthy amount of sleep is another thing that I wish I can do daily. :x.). I always feel much better when I do that. Feeling drowsy in the morning isn't a good feeling. :c. Feel free to comment in the Comments section below to tell me your thoughts about waking up by your own free will and whatnot! :D.
(↑ Picture somewhat related to post. o_o. You can think of it as it representing dreams or something. And dreams relate to sleep. So yeah. :p. Close enough.).
P.S. Happy birthday, Abraham Lincoln. :D. Although his birthday was celebrated yesterday, today is his real birthday. He was born on February 12th, 1809. Thanks for everything that you've done. *salutes.*

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