Oh noes. There has been less and less visitors visiting this website. D:. Not even one of my BFFs... Berry Sweet, has come to visit. D:. I believe she's busy... But when I check her blog, it seems like she just rushed a few posts. I wonder what else she's doing... Hm... Oh wells. She probably has better things to do than visit this website.
Hm. *thinks of new ways to get more visitors to visit this website.*. Lolol.
Don't let all this hardwork go to waste. :o. Lolol. I did all this for you! Yesh, you! The viewers of this website. :D. You guys and girls, are what's keeping me going. Lolol.
Please spread the word. And invite your friends and such!
Has anyone notice any changes in the homepage? :o. Lolol. Well, I just added 2 things. An "Associated With:" list and a picture of the logo of the thing my website is associated with. Lolol. Well, I added my blog, NeoLeaf's, logo. And if you click it, it'll open a tab in your browser that will be on my blog. Lolol. Having allies is good right? ._. Even if it is yourself? Lolol. Having yourself for an ally is better than having yourself for an enemy, in my opinion. Lolol. So yeah. :D. Lolol.
This website is now associated with NeoLeaf. (Not like they were ever enemies... Because they were both created by me. Lolololol. The NeoLeaf logo is below. ↓. And yesh, it is clickable. Lolol.).
You know, sometimes, I feel some regret, when I tell some of my friends something cool or like yeah. Lol. Like for instance, I tell one of my friends about this cool website, and like he/ she likes it (which is fine.). But then at some occasions, the person gets like all addicted to it, or something. And it kind of gets annoying, because the person might go all like "Blah blah blah this. Blah blah blah that." Talking about that cool thing all day long... And only about that. And to be honest, that gets annoying. Lolol. And it gets on your nerves more and more and more... Until you just can't take it anymore.
So, I'm blogging about it. Lolol. It may seem selfish, a little. o_o. But it's just my opinion on this. And that's that. Lol.
Lesson Learned: Think very hard before you speak, or you might end up regretting it.
“A debate is not a contest, or a game, it is a way of life. Two (or more) souls on a battlefield defending the honor of their topic, elegant words dance across the lips of warriors, on this field of words, and thoughts the minds of many can be changed or the beliefs they long since had can be solidified. Humans have been debated with one another since the beginning of time (even about the beginning of time) when the serpent first debated with Eve the benefits of eating certain fruits in the Garden. Let us engage ourselves in this timeless tradition of wits, but let me warn you, do not insult the honor of debate with shallow and baseless notions… or I will find you.”
Lolol. I like that picture. :P. Debates are cool, as well. :D.
Well, I have a sad thing to say. I've been posting daily for a long time now. Lolol. A little bit more than 3 and a half months. :D. But sadly, daily posting might have to come to an end... :/. As for, I'm becoming busier and busier, with life/ homework/ stuff. Lol. I deeply and sincerely apologize for this, but I will do all in my power to post as frequently as possible. I will not leave this website unattended, like how I did before. But I will try to post whenever I can. Or whenever I have a great idea or funny story. So, fear not, loyal fans. :). HOWEVER, and this is a big 'IF". IF I can post daily, THEN I will post daily. So yeah. Lolol. I think I'll be less busy in about a week or so. So yeah. :).
~Yours truly.~
An Introduction: Here's an awesome introduction to what this post is about today. :D. Yayyy. Lolol. Well, this post is about endless debates/ conversations, like the title says. Lolol. I try to name the post after what it's about. Lolol. And most of the time I succeed in doing so. :D. Anyways, onwards with the introduction. Have you ever had like a topic you had to debate/ converse about and like it was endless (in a sense) and you were like neutral or agreeing with both sides? Well, like for the most part, I mostly like debates/ conversations like that. :D. Lolol. Because they intrigue me. Lolol. (I'll have a post of an awesome picture about debate later. :P. Lolol.).
"Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had?"
↑ That. Lol. I saw it while browsing a Naruto Forum. Lolol. As you may know, I like forums. And if you want further detail why I like forums, please click here and read the post.(Lol. I thought the post was better on explaining why I like forums... But apparently not, so sorry. I'll post another post about my fondness of forums and why later. Lolol. If I remember, that is.).  Lol. Well, like to be honest, I kind have to say both, but if I had to choose. Like had to had to choose. I would say "saying nothing and wishing that you had." Because of the following reasons. Like one of my BFFs, who said the first choice, "saying something and wishing you had not", hurts more, said that it was never too late to tell the truth (meaning that you can always say what you didn't say before, later.). And like I contradicted it, solely to get a good debate going, by saying that if you did say something that you didn't mean and regretted it, and like it's never too late to tell the truth, can't you just apologize and be forgiven? Lolol. Something on the lines of that. Lolol. Anyways, like, what if you like/ love a girl/ guy, but you don't say so... And like that girl/ guy gets with some other girl/ guy and it just shatters your heart? D:. (Used some cliche situation. Lolol. Sorry.). Lol. So you would regret not saying anything, correct? Lolol. And personally, I had more situations with the second scenario, "saying nothing, and wishing you had", more than I had situations with the first. Because most of the times I say what I mean and mean what I say. Lolol. Like sometimes the situation was like "...I try to speak, but girl you got me tongue-tied. I tried to breathe, but I'm f-f-f-frozen inside. I try to move, but I'm stuck in my shoes, and I'm paralyzed paralyzed p-p-paralyzed..." Yeah. Something like that. Lolol. Well, you get the point. Lol.
Conclusion: A controversial topic can make a great conversation/ debate, at times. Lolol. And I like to debate a lot. :D. Depends on the topic. As for the quoted question asked above, my answer is: Depends on the situation. Lololol. Haha.
/End post.
For more funny/ interesting posts go here: http://iamboredish.weebly.com/
Lolol. That is the website's homepage. :P. And then you navigate to the blog page. And like look at posts. :D.
Also, don't be afraid to share your thoughts via the comments section below, or by sending me a form using the contact form here. Enjoy.~

‎Today was a nice day. :D. Like the weather was nice. Lol. It wasn't that hot or that cold. And like the sun wasn't blazing its rays at you. Lol. And like I wanted to play basketball, and I got to. :D. Thank you Coach Tim for lending me a basketball. :D. Thanks so much. Lolol. Beat one of my friend's team 34-32. :D. Lolol. I think we all like improved. Ish. Lolol. Cwindy made 2 baskets. :D. Yayyy. And Paula tackled the hell out of everyone. Lolol. Everyone had a minor injury of some sort. Lol. But I guess that's what happens while playing games. Lolol. Just a part of the game. :P. And like I improved on my push ups. :D. Yayyy. Lolol. Hopefully, tomorrow and Wednesday and rest of the week will be good days as well. Lolol. :D. Unicorns.
Well, like the topic of this blog post is going to be: Lunar Festivals, as stated in the title. Lolol. Well, like I went to a Lunar Festival like a day ago. Lolol. It was quite typical. Lol. For a lunar festival, that is. Lol.
To be honest, I'm not quite fond of those festivals. Well, not as fond of them, as some people, per se. Lolol. Just saying. Lolol. Probably, because to enjoy the festival, you need BFFs to go with you. :o. And like my BFFs weren't with me. :(. Lolol. And like the crowd is always so pushy. Like they invade your personal space. Lolol. *makes an imaginary bubble.*. Much better. Lolol. And like the lines are so long. e_e. I don't have much patience. And like the things the people are waiting for are like really cheap items. Lol. I don't even know why I line up for them. Lolol. (Probably because my mom was there waiting too. Lolol.). And like yeah. ._.
All in all, the Lunar Festival was okayyyy. Ish. Lolol. In my opinion, at least. Lolol. The only good part was that I got a free pen, a free calendar, and food (Had to pay for, of course. Lolol. Free food would be awesome though. ._.), I think my experience would've been better, if I was there with my BFFs and yeah. Lolol.
Basically what the title says. Here is a sincere apology to those of you who actually care about my blog updates and so on. Lolol. Well, sorry for not posting posts on the blog with my life stories/ funny stories/ etc lately. If you've been wondering why I haven't been posting a lot of those posts lately, it's because I've been busy. I had lots of homework. And etc. Lol. You get the point. Right? However, I'll try to post things again. :D. A true blogger.~
Sorry, I've been busy today. And  had gotten behind on blog posting. D:. Oh noes. Well, I'll try to give you a post tomorrow. :D.